Hello! I am an illustrator from Northern Utah. I have a degree in Illustration from Sessions College for Professional Design, where I won the Outstanding Graduate Award in 2021. I specialize in the cute, the spooky, and the whimsical. I am passionate about telling stories through art. When I'm not disappointing my physical therapist by forgetting my body needs to do things besides draw, you might find me playing dungeons and dragons, hanging out with my cat, Tom Bombadil, or romanticizing my melancholic solitude. I have also been known to engage in the occasional podcast. |
You can reach out to me at [email protected]. Other places to find me: Instagram: @scribsbylotti LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lotti-sidwell-does-art Tumblr: @heppileppi This Is Words Podcast on Spotify The Faerie Fire Podcast on Spotify |